Atlantic Barley
Atlantic is a hulled barley released from the Virginia Tech small grains breeding program. Atlantic was bred as a replacement for Thoroughbred, a popular variety that has high yield potential but has provided some disappointment primarily due to its limited disease resistance, especially to powdery mildew, barley scald and spot blotch. Thoroughbred appears to be very sensitive to manganese deficiency.
Atlantic averaged 131 bu./acre high yields in 2011 in the VT OVT in Warsaw and Orange, VA and was five bu./acre higher than Thoroughbred at Painter, VA. Atlantic has an average heading date about six days earlier, is shorter (33") and lodges less than Thoroughbred. Atlantic test weight is slightly lower than Thoroughbred. Atlantic has better resistance to leaf rust and much better resistance to powdery mildew than Thoroughbred.
Thoroughbred Barley
(U.S. Variety Protection Applied For)
Thoroughbred is a high yielding, full season, awned, six-row hulled winter feed barley having very good straw strength, high test weight and bright plump seed. On average, head emergence of Thoroughbred is 2 days later than Wysor, 4 days later than Nomini and Price, and 6 days later than Callao. Average plant height is 3 - 4 inches taller than Callao and Price, and 3 - 4 inches shorter than Wysor and Nomini. Straw strength is similar to those of Price and Nomini, and better than those of Wysor and Callao. As a feed grain and rotational crop, Thoroughbred is superior to Nomini and Callao. Thoroughbred is resistant to powdery mildew and barley yellow dwarf virus. It is moderately susceptible to leaf rust and net blotch.